Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Q & A: An insight into me

Hey everyone, wazz happening!
Today, I'm going to type down a few things about myself, so all you readers can understand me a little better (and hopefully you'll also learn something new). These are a few questions that people have asked me over many many years. So have fun reading through!

Q. What is your favorite song ever?
A. I don't have  a favorite song. I might have an all-time top 50.

Q. Who's your favorite band?
A. I don't have a favorite band. I might have an all-time top 20.

Q. Do you believe in love?
A. I do. But I do not believe that love is an emotion. (Call me and I'll prove it to you)

Q. Do you believe in ghosts or supernatural phenomena?
A. I don't believe in ghosts (mainly because I haven't encountered one yet). About supernatural phenomena, I'm on the fence. I haven't encountered any yet but I'm inclined to think that it's possible.

Q. Do you believe in God?
A. Very much. I have a poster of Lord Shiva in my bedroom, and I carry a picture of Lord Shiva in my wallet.

Q. Do you believe in Satan?
A. No I don't. All evil lies within oneself, not in the devil.

Q. Are you an emotional person?
A. Yes and no. I have emotions, but I like to keep them under control and not let them loose. I seem emotionless most of the time, but on rare occasion, they come bursting out of me like lava from a volcano.

Q. Do you eat meat?
A. No. I'm not fond of the concept of killing animals or birds.

Q. Can you dance?
A. Hell no. I wish.

Q. Do you have a role model?
A. I draw inspiration from several people, but I do not have one single role model. I believe that you ought to find the hero in yourself.

Q. What is your favorite sport?
A. It has to be cricket. Although I do like playing football as well.

Q. What is your favorite food?
A. I'm fond of Italian food. I like Indian food too. But generally anything that is healthy and nutritional.

Q. You're a freak. How come?
A. I like to make people think. I like to call myself the 'thought-activator'. Also, because I've faced plenty of abuse in my childhood.

Q. What regrets do you have?
A. None. I don't think anybody should live a life of regrets.

Q. Do you have any fetishes?
A. No. I'm fairly normal in that aspect (Surprising?)

Q. Are you a creative person?
A. I write music. I mix and create songs. I draw and paint. I do puppet shows from time to time. In general, I do a lot of  creative things. So yes, I believe I am.

Q. What are your thoughts on homosexuality?
A. I don't have a problem with it. Respect and equality for everyone.

Q. What is your biggest fear?
A. At the moment, I don't think I have any fears.

Q. What day will you never forget?
A. The night I watched Children of Bodom live in Bangalore.

These are all the relatively important questions that I could think of right now. If I do remember a few more, I'll put them down in another blog post. Hope you had fun reading and learning a little bit about me, the so-called-freak. I will see you another time!
Take care of yourselves, take care of each other.
Good night!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

We're going nowhere

Hello readers, bleeders and feeders! What is new with you!
      Alright, let's get right to it. It's been a while since I posted something light-hearted on this site, and to those who are tired of the deep shit; well, I'm sorry, but get ready for some more disappointment (laughs). This next topic isn't going to be all that light at heart. So, sorry deep-shit-tired-readers.
      Well, the simple question to you is 'Where are we going?'. And to answer that question, I don't know where the fuck to begin, what the fuck I'm supposed to say, and finally, how the fuck you or I am supposed to know (laughs). That pretty much sums up what I'm going to say in this passage.
       I guess I'll start by going back in time to get some perspective. Several decades ago, life was simple. Or should I say, life was simpler than what it is now. Back then, the biggest form of communication worldwide was...the radio! There were no phones, cell phones, smartphones, computers, tablets, laptops, and...am I missing something important...Oh yes! the Internet! There was no god damn internet back then! Holy fuck right! I mean, imagine sending a modern day kid back to the 1940s. That kid is going to suicide. Anyway, the point is that evolution had not bloomed yet and everything was much simpler (but not entirely simple. Like the world wars. What the fuck. Why exactly did humans want and have to kill other humans). So this eventually leads us to conclude that since technology and some basic cultural evolution were still in their nascent stages, all the resources were relatively plentiful. By resources, I mean, things like silicon, iron, oil, aluminium, wood (no pun intended - laughs), clay, sand, cement, fuel, etc. Ahh, there was no throat-damaging-pollution back then. How awesome.
      A few years down the line of the 1960s and 70s, technology started evolving with the advent of big ass mammoth sized computers and some kind of shitty fat ass cable wired telephony connections. Well, not just technology. In some way, cultures and lifestyles started changing too. Shitty black and white televisions that aired shitty channels and shitty programs started becoming popular and somewhat commonplace (of course, back then, those channels weren't perceived as shitty at all. On the contrary, they must've been perceived as freaking awesome - laughs). More and more people started coming together and even though several countries had their differences, several other countries started tying up and working together in order to grow to establish a better future. One thing is certain here. Resources were still abundant, but they were slowly being used up.
      Now as we move into the 1980s, things started happening at a faster pace. People began to wonder if a way existed in order to communicate more or less worldwide, besides the telephone and telegram stuff. Something like the Internet. Ah, those motherfucking amazing visionaries who gave it everything they had, to bring us such a wonderful (or fucked up?) future. Transportation vehicles like buses, cars, two-wheelers, trains and the likes started becoming popular. Ah, the dawn of sweet sweet air pollution, noise pollution, water and all kinds of shitty pollutions. A big step for mankind, the beginning of the end for planet Earth (Man, I'm getting slightly tired of typing all of this down. I wish that all my thoughts got magically transferred on to the blog page, so I wouldn't have to type at all. Sadly, that technology hasn't been invented yet...or maybe I'm just a lazy schmuck). Oh how could I forget! The population! The motherfucking population started blowing up! For some reason people started humping each other like crazy and started making millions of babies in some kind of a desperate charade. My point being that planet Earth's resources had started depleting at a much faster pace now. Fast enough to cause some concern.
      Just to clear something up. You must be wondering why I've been rambling about planet Earth's resources for a while now. (I wouldn't be surprised if you're going 'Shove those god damn resources up your god damn arse - laughs). Bear with me. Be a little patient. I'm getting there (Again, no pun intended - laughs). As we move into the 1990s and perhaps the early 2000s, things started to BOOM! Yes, it was that big a boom. An explosion in your face, if you will. Cultural changes, landline phones, computers and operating systems, cell phones, transportation, aeroplanes, televisions, weapons, strip clubs...Wait what! No, I'm just kidding (laughs), oil companies, and finally... the Internet! Changes, changes everywhere. And yet, the humping went on and on. The population went north and kept going north because of humans' strange addiction to humping and procreating. Now, there was some serious concern about the Earth's resources being depleted in a big way. (Oh fuck! Not the resources again! Right? - laughs).
      Alright, let us fast forward to today. What is the world like today? Well, I can tell you the answer in simply three words. Really fucked up (laughs). There have been some huge cultural changes. Everything is becoming more and more globalized. And the world seems to be getting smaller by the day. No no, not just in our heads, but also physically. Yes, we are sucking the Earth's resources like there's no tomorrow. And soon enough, there will in fact be no tomorrow. Ahh, the sweet sweet apocalypse. So, some things that are very popular right now are smartphones, tablets (No no, not drugs. Touchscreen slates. Get your minds out of the 27th dimension, stoners - laughs), computers, laptops, gadgets like gaming consoles, music players, high resolution high definition televisions, blah blah blah. And almost everything computerizable (that's not a word I know. It should be) is becoming or has become computerized! You name it. Shopping, watching movies, playing games, listening to music, pornography (couldn't resist typing that here, sorry), dating, marriages (yes, even finding a bride/bridegroom), ordering food, doing business, chatting, gambling, blogging (Oh wait - laughs) and I could go on and on unto eternity! All thanks to the Internet and the incredible speed at which computerization is happening. This has become so insane that, believe it or not, our emotions have become intertwined with the internet and computers! It is only a matter of time before computers are intelligent enough to make us their bitches. And sooner or later, they will not need us anymore and they will annihilate us all. Anyway, my apologies for digressing. You see, now I'm going to explain the whole Earth's resources being eaten up thing. Today, the population of the Earth has crossed over 7.2 billion humans. And that does not even include the animals, birds, fishes, insects, plants and other organisms that inhabit the Earth. We are using up the Earth's resources so fast that now we have a reason to be majorly concerned. Soon enough, there will be so few resources left that everything will become unreasonably expensive and life will become bloody fucking hell (the opening of Pandora's box, if you will). Everyone will start keeping a tab on what they purchase, what they eat, how much they eat, how much petrol, fuel and oil they consume, how many kids they make, how much land they own, and so on. Am I exaggerating? You may think so. And I wish I was. But sadly, I believe I'm not. Some day, this is bound to happen. Sustaining life on Earth is going to become...I can't think of a word that is good enough to describe it's fucked-up-ness (that's not a word I know, and it should be). So let me ask you this once again. Where are we going? We're going nowhere. And we're all going to die. Peace.
      Thank you all, once again, for reading this joyous and inspirational passage. I'm sure that you are so overwhelmed that you're puking rainbows and bleeding drops of honey (hello again, stoners - laughs).No, I was kidding. This has been a depressing passage and it has probably crushed your ambition and will to live. Sorry about that. My bad. And your bad too. Because I warned you that this is going to be a deep-shit kind of passage (laughs).
      Anyway, thank you for reading! I hope you learned something new! I'm going to call it a night now (and it is night. What a coincidence -  laughs). Take care of yourself. Take care of each other. Good night.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

I see more when...

Hey virtual people! How's it going? It's 3am here in the city of Bangalore, and let me tell you, the weather is cold as fuck! After a pretty long hiatus I'm back to write on my blog page.
So here I am, sitting at my laptop, on my bed; it's 3am and I can't get any sleep. Thoughts about the world fill my head as sleep eludes me, and frankly, I'm not even sure about how this post is going to turn out. I'm just writing as spontaneously as I possibly can.

So anyway, I was just thinking about things in general - like society, humans, animals, different countries, technology, and the list goes on and on. Let's pick one topic to simplify. Society, for instance. In my eyes, there are 2 different kinds of society - One, society as it is, and two, society as it should be. Of course, this might bring up the common issue of 'Who are you and what authority do you have, to tell me what society should be, you fucknut?'. It's quite simple. Everything I state here is just my opinion. It's not absolute or the gospel truth. We all have different opinions, and each opinion should be respected. I guess that's what makes society 'not boring'.

Now, having been born and brought up in India, I saw a lot of things as I grew up. A typical society of the average dude paints a picture that goes something like this - You're born, and then your parents teach you how to do certain basic tasks, and you learn how to speak and communicate with the environment around you. You look at your environment wondering what's what and slowly figure everything out as time passes you by. And before you know it, you find yourself being 'educated' in a school, and if everything works out, you go to college for some more 'education', and then you end up scouting for more 'education', and it goes on and on. Now hang on. Does it feel like I missed something important? Well I certainly feel that way. What about moral values and the big picture in our lives? Let's find out.
In the kind of society we live in right now, we see people ranging from the philanthropic type to the serial-killer type. How did that happen! The philanthropist and the serial-killer are both made of flesh-blood-and-bones, there's really no difference structurally. Say what you will, but I believe that the fact is this has happened because of the effects of society. This is what I call the 'big picture fuck up'. Generally, the big picture for a philanthropist is to help living beings on a mass basis. I'm not entirely sure if a serial-killer possesses a big picture in mind (don't get me wrong, they could have possibly the clearest of big pictures), but he or she simply wipes out people, on a mass basis.

Now, let's move on to a less extreme scenario. Let us look at the average corporate man's social life. The average corporate man/woman, whether he/she realizes it or not, has to dress a certain way, speak in a certain way, carry himself in a certain way, and basically live life in certain 'accepted' ways. When you look at society, with your eyes open, this is what you see. Or at least, this is what I see. The funny thing is, when I look at society, I see more when my eyes are closed.

I, for one, believe the key to a comfortable and stable society is the communication of moral values and understanding the big picture. I suddenly realize as I'm writing this article, all of you reading this must be going 'What the fuck is this big picture you talk about!' (laughs). The big picture is sort of vague in every sense. It is the perfect blend of a personal goal and a common goal. And now you're going 'Seriously, what the fuck dude!' (laughs again). If you have never thought of stuff like this, then you're probably too young or you simply haven't reached that stage yet.

God, I have been drifting left and right and I'm all over the place with this article. If you're thinking, 'This guy is so messed up', you could be right. But give me a break, it's 4am and I'm delirious (laughs).
So coming back to the society that the average person lives in, he/she needs to present himself/herself in certain 'accepted' ways, and if he/she doesn't do so, he/she faces the risk of being cast aside- or in social terms, losing friends. If ever you find yourself being overwhelmed by the demands of society or the pressure that society puts on you, I strongly encourage you to look at society 'with your eyes closed'. That works for me. I see the society as it should be and I find the strength to strive and do things for the betterment of the current society. I get reminded of the hazy big picture that I have in mind and remember that what I see outside may not be real. What you and I bring to the table in terms of value, that's what is real man. Close your eyes and think, and I give you my word, you will see a lot more than you would normally see with your eyes open.

I think I'm gonna call it a night now. So folks, think big picture!
And  to clarify for those of you wondering if I've consumed some kind of substance while I was writing this article, I have not (laughs).
Stay active, and keep it real folks.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Harassment and Torture

Disclaimer: The intention of this blog post is only to express my views and opinions, and not to hurt, insult or affect anybody else in any way. I live in a democratic country, I know my rights, I know that I'm allowed to express myself freely and honestly.

Hey fellow readers, how have you been? Life at my end has been more or less the usual - a little fucked up and a little bit of fun and a little bit of nothingness. So, basically, a typical 23 year old's life.

Anyway, I'm here to talk about something that has become a huge part of discussions that happen in the world today. But before I get into the details of this topic, I'd like to share some of my views in general with y'all.
We, humans, are different from the other species on this wonderfully weird planet. No, we are not superior by birth. For instance, we can't fly, we can't dwell under water, we can't hear/emit ultra high frequency sounds, etc etc. But what makes us different, is the fact that we have a well developed brain. Now, whether you believe that owning a well developed brain is a gift or a curse, is up to you, my friend. We possess the power to do amazing things, things beyond  our wildest of imaginations. We travel through space and explore the universe and come across new experiences and become wiser everyday. It's pretty amazing, what a powerful brain can do. Alas, everything comes at a price. And it's not any different here either.

Humans also possess the power to destroy, annihilate and mutilate. You, I and everyone else. If we chose to, we can annihilate several lives in a blink of an eye.
For some reason, the concept of standing united as one does not exist in the world that we live in today. Humans are selfish. A bit too much. So much that we will never unite for a common cause; unless some day, an external alien force threatens to kill us all.

Now, having said that, let me get down to the topic we have at hand. When humans do not understand the concept of uniting for a common cause, they are bound to exercise their power in some other way. Yup, you guessed it. On each other... We inflict a lot of damage upon each other and the weaker species on the planet. Now, if there's one principle that I live by, it's - 'Do not hurt the weaker species. Protect them, help them and nurture their lives.' It's a very simple principle, but also a very powerful one. One that very few people on the planet understand and follow.

Let us take a more deeper look at this principle. When you strangle a chicken to kill it, you can hear it screeching and shrieking, begging for mercy. It's not a pleasant sound, and we know too damn well that it's in a lot of pain and it's not enjoying it. When you throw a stone at a puppy and you hit it, you can hear the squeals let out by the little doggy. You know that it's in a lot of pain and you know that you probably lost your chance at making a new friend. When a goat is sent to the slaughterhouse, little does it know that it's his last day, the last time to bond with family and friends, the last time to enjoy the smell and taste of fresh grass, the last time to express his love to other goats around him.

Let us extrapolate this, shall we. (Extrapolate...I'm not sure if that's the right word. Sounds about right). When humans don't understand the concept of preserving the perfect ecosystem by protecting the weaker species, they take advantage and focus their power on humans themselves. Pretty weird huh? Humans attacking other humans! So here comes the sad face of harassment and torture. When humans decide to attack each other, there's no way we can be happy for one another. For as long as we're alive, we may never understand the concept of 'the greater good'. At the moment we live in a world where each individual says 'I want the world to prosper and I want to contribute to humanity' while they're thinking 'It's all about me. I don't give a flying fuck whether everyone else lives or dies.'.

It's ironic that man has such a powerful brain and can't seem to understand three simple words 'Protect the weak'. I don't have to paint any more pictures for you, as I'm sure, you've already begun to imagine how far this can go. So, coming to where we are today. Certain men attack women and harass them and perform unspeakable acts upon them. Why? Because, they seem to have a hard time understanding and preaching the concept of 'Do not hurt the weaker species, protect them.' Well, certain men attack weaker men as well. Or a certain gang of men attack a single man/woman, leaving the victim behind helpless. In my eyes, none of it makes sense.I still can't seem to get over the statement I made earlier- Humans attacking other humans?... It's funny how we fear the existence of aliens, when we can barely manage to live with each other! I bet, far far away, if aliens do actually exist, they're looking at us on a big screen saying 'Humans huh' and laughing their asses off (If, in fact, they do possess asses.).

Well, I guess there's no point in bitching and cribbing about the past, because what's done is done, and cannot be changed. I guess I should shift my focus to the current living situation. We live in an extremely complex world today. And extremely is an absolute understatement. (or under-word, or under-adjective). We live in a dangerous world today, and I know that I don't have to elaborate because you know that very well too. Certain temporary remedies that I can think of is \ provide pepper spray and mild stun-guns to all women \ women, carry them all the time, they're way more important than your keys or your cell phone \ provide small mini weapons to men and women (knives, blades, gas) \ have emergency buttons installed on your wallet/purse to call for immediate help \ make self-defense classes absolutely mandatory for everyone\ and last, and most importantly: spread the word 'Protect the weaker species, do not hurt them', and make sure that all the people you know do practice it.

Once again, I'd like to remind you that my intentions are pure and the last thing I want to do is affect anyone in any harmful way. I love you all. I have expressed my views and I'd like to thank you for reading this article. I hope you came across something new while reading through my post, and I trust that you will do your part in shaping up a better world.

Take care of yourselves, take care of each other.
Thank you and Good night.