Hello readers, bleeders and feeders! What is new with you!
Alright, let's get right to it. It's been a while since I posted something light-hearted on this site, and to those who are tired of the deep shit; well, I'm sorry, but get ready for some more disappointment (laughs). This next topic isn't going to be all that light at heart. So, sorry deep-shit-tired-readers.
Well, the simple question to you is 'Where are we going?'. And to answer that question, I don't know where the fuck to begin, what the fuck I'm supposed to say, and finally, how the fuck you or I am supposed to know (laughs). That pretty much sums up what I'm going to say in this passage.
I guess I'll start by going back in time to get some perspective. Several decades ago, life was simple. Or should I say, life was simpler than what it is now. Back then, the biggest form of communication worldwide was...the radio! There were no phones, cell phones, smartphones, computers, tablets, laptops, and...am I missing something important...Oh yes! the Internet! There was no god damn internet back then! Holy fuck right! I mean, imagine sending a modern day kid back to the 1940s. That kid is going to suicide. Anyway, the point is that evolution had not bloomed yet and everything was much simpler (but not entirely simple. Like the world wars. What the fuck. Why exactly did humans want and have to kill other humans). So this eventually leads us to conclude that since technology and some basic cultural evolution were still in their nascent stages, all the resources were relatively plentiful. By resources, I mean, things like silicon, iron, oil, aluminium, wood (no pun intended - laughs), clay, sand, cement, fuel, etc. Ahh, there was no throat-damaging-pollution back then. How awesome.
A few years down the line of the 1960s and 70s, technology started evolving with the advent of big ass mammoth sized computers and some kind of shitty fat ass cable wired telephony connections. Well, not just technology. In some way, cultures and lifestyles started changing too. Shitty black and white televisions that aired shitty channels and shitty programs started becoming popular and somewhat commonplace (of course, back then, those channels weren't perceived as shitty at all. On the contrary, they must've been perceived as freaking awesome - laughs). More and more people started coming together and even though several countries had their differences, several other countries started tying up and working together in order to grow to establish a better future. One thing is certain here. Resources were still abundant, but they were slowly being used up.
Now as we move into the 1980s, things started happening at a faster pace. People began to wonder if a way existed in order to communicate more or less worldwide, besides the telephone and telegram stuff. Something like the Internet. Ah, those motherfucking amazing visionaries who gave it everything they had, to bring us such a wonderful (or fucked up?) future. Transportation vehicles like buses, cars, two-wheelers, trains and the likes started becoming popular. Ah, the dawn of sweet sweet air pollution, noise pollution, water and all kinds of shitty pollutions. A big step for mankind, the beginning of the end for planet Earth (Man, I'm getting slightly tired of typing all of this down. I wish that all my thoughts got magically transferred on to the blog page, so I wouldn't have to type at all. Sadly, that technology hasn't been invented yet...or maybe I'm just a lazy schmuck). Oh how could I forget! The population! The motherfucking population started blowing up! For some reason people started humping each other like crazy and started making millions of babies in some kind of a desperate charade. My point being that planet Earth's resources had started depleting at a much faster pace now. Fast enough to cause some concern.
Just to clear something up. You must be wondering why I've been rambling about planet Earth's resources for a while now. (I wouldn't be surprised if you're going 'Shove those god damn resources up your god damn arse - laughs). Bear with me. Be a little patient. I'm getting there (Again, no pun intended - laughs). As we move into the 1990s and perhaps the early 2000s, things started to BOOM! Yes, it was that big a boom. An explosion in your face, if you will. Cultural changes, landline phones, computers and operating systems, cell phones, transportation, aeroplanes, televisions, weapons, strip clubs...Wait what! No, I'm just kidding (laughs), oil companies, and finally... the Internet! Changes, changes everywhere. And yet, the humping went on and on. The population went north and kept going north because of humans' strange addiction to humping and procreating. Now, there was some serious concern about the Earth's resources being depleted in a big way. (Oh fuck! Not the resources again! Right? - laughs).
Alright, let us fast forward to today. What is the world like today? Well, I can tell you the answer in simply three words. Really fucked up (laughs). There have been some huge cultural changes. Everything is becoming more and more globalized. And the world seems to be getting smaller by the day. No no, not just in our heads, but also physically. Yes, we are sucking the Earth's resources like there's no tomorrow. And soon enough, there will in fact be no tomorrow. Ahh, the sweet sweet apocalypse. So, some things that are very popular right now are smartphones, tablets (No no, not drugs. Touchscreen slates. Get your minds out of the 27th dimension, stoners - laughs), computers, laptops, gadgets like gaming consoles, music players, high resolution high definition televisions, blah blah blah. And almost everything computerizable (that's not a word I know. It should be) is becoming or has become computerized! You name it. Shopping, watching movies, playing games, listening to music, pornography (couldn't resist typing that here, sorry), dating, marriages (yes, even finding a bride/bridegroom), ordering food, doing business, chatting, gambling, blogging (Oh wait - laughs) and I could go on and on unto eternity! All thanks to the Internet and the incredible speed at which computerization is happening. This has become so insane that, believe it or not, our emotions have become intertwined with the internet and computers! It is only a matter of time before computers are intelligent enough to make us their bitches. And sooner or later, they will not need us anymore and they will annihilate us all. Anyway, my apologies for digressing. You see, now I'm going to explain the whole Earth's resources being eaten up thing. Today, the population of the Earth has crossed over 7.2 billion humans. And that does not even include the animals, birds, fishes, insects, plants and other organisms that inhabit the Earth. We are using up the Earth's resources so fast that now we have a reason to be majorly concerned. Soon enough, there will be so few resources left that everything will become unreasonably expensive and life will become bloody fucking hell (the opening of Pandora's box, if you will). Everyone will start keeping a tab on what they purchase, what they eat, how much they eat, how much petrol, fuel and oil they consume, how many kids they make, how much land they own, and so on. Am I exaggerating? You may think so. And I wish I was. But sadly, I believe I'm not. Some day, this is bound to happen. Sustaining life on Earth is going to become...I can't think of a word that is good enough to describe it's fucked-up-ness (that's not a word I know, and it should be). So let me ask you this once again. Where are we going? We're going nowhere. And we're all going to die. Peace.
Thank you all, once again, for reading this joyous and inspirational passage. I'm sure that you are so overwhelmed that you're puking rainbows and bleeding drops of honey (hello again, stoners - laughs).No, I was kidding. This has been a depressing passage and it has probably crushed your ambition and will to live. Sorry about that. My bad. And your bad too. Because I warned you that this is going to be a deep-shit kind of passage (laughs).
Anyway, thank you for reading! I hope you learned something new! I'm going to call it a night now (and it is night. What a coincidence - laughs). Take care of yourself. Take care of each other. Good night.