Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Q & A: An insight into me

Hey everyone, wazz happening!
Today, I'm going to type down a few things about myself, so all you readers can understand me a little better (and hopefully you'll also learn something new). These are a few questions that people have asked me over many many years. So have fun reading through!

Q. What is your favorite song ever?
A. I don't have  a favorite song. I might have an all-time top 50.

Q. Who's your favorite band?
A. I don't have a favorite band. I might have an all-time top 20.

Q. Do you believe in love?
A. I do. But I do not believe that love is an emotion. (Call me and I'll prove it to you)

Q. Do you believe in ghosts or supernatural phenomena?
A. I don't believe in ghosts (mainly because I haven't encountered one yet). About supernatural phenomena, I'm on the fence. I haven't encountered any yet but I'm inclined to think that it's possible.

Q. Do you believe in God?
A. Very much. I have a poster of Lord Shiva in my bedroom, and I carry a picture of Lord Shiva in my wallet.

Q. Do you believe in Satan?
A. No I don't. All evil lies within oneself, not in the devil.

Q. Are you an emotional person?
A. Yes and no. I have emotions, but I like to keep them under control and not let them loose. I seem emotionless most of the time, but on rare occasion, they come bursting out of me like lava from a volcano.

Q. Do you eat meat?
A. No. I'm not fond of the concept of killing animals or birds.

Q. Can you dance?
A. Hell no. I wish.

Q. Do you have a role model?
A. I draw inspiration from several people, but I do not have one single role model. I believe that you ought to find the hero in yourself.

Q. What is your favorite sport?
A. It has to be cricket. Although I do like playing football as well.

Q. What is your favorite food?
A. I'm fond of Italian food. I like Indian food too. But generally anything that is healthy and nutritional.

Q. You're a freak. How come?
A. I like to make people think. I like to call myself the 'thought-activator'. Also, because I've faced plenty of abuse in my childhood.

Q. What regrets do you have?
A. None. I don't think anybody should live a life of regrets.

Q. Do you have any fetishes?
A. No. I'm fairly normal in that aspect (Surprising?)

Q. Are you a creative person?
A. I write music. I mix and create songs. I draw and paint. I do puppet shows from time to time. In general, I do a lot of  creative things. So yes, I believe I am.

Q. What are your thoughts on homosexuality?
A. I don't have a problem with it. Respect and equality for everyone.

Q. What is your biggest fear?
A. At the moment, I don't think I have any fears.

Q. What day will you never forget?
A. The night I watched Children of Bodom live in Bangalore.

These are all the relatively important questions that I could think of right now. If I do remember a few more, I'll put them down in another blog post. Hope you had fun reading and learning a little bit about me, the so-called-freak. I will see you another time!
Take care of yourselves, take care of each other.
Good night!