Hey internet people, wadduuuuup?
I'm really not sure as to how I'm going to write through this article (with a fuckin keyboard! duh - laughs). So yeah, It's a little vague. For people who have read some of my posts here, I guess that's not surprising.
Anyway, let's begin. How many times have you found yourself grateful? If you are someone who has been through a lot of suffering, I'd reckon a lot of times. If you are someone who has more or less coasted through life, I'd guess not very often. Let me start off with a few cliches. You've probably been thankful to your parents, your siblings, your grandparents, your other family mates, your friends, your co-workers, your mates at school or college, your neighbors, your pets, your country, people you have met in general, your role models, and maybe a few others I may have missed out. But let me ask you this. How often have you found yourself grateful to all the animals, birds, insects and creatures and plants on the planet? Errrm, let me guess. Never? Yeah, thought so.
So here's the thing. Without the presence of animals, plants and other creatures, we humans would all be fucking dead. Want me to paint the picture? Alright, let me give you some perspective. Humans feed on plants and animals and other creatures. Without them, we would be foodless, and consequently dead. Humans hunt animals down and use their skin for leather in clothing, novelty items, handbags, shoes and all kinds of things. No animals, no leather, no clothing, harsh climate, death. As simple as that. Think about this for a second. The only way to sustain human life is to reproduce and give birth to the offspring and let the cycle continue unto eternity. How do we reproduce? By having sex right? Not entirely. Reproduction can happen only if semen is made and everything else falls into place (funny and punny). So how is semen made? (by wanking while looking at porn? - laughs) Semen is made of millions of nutrients. And how do we get these nutrients in the first place? BAM! Plants and animals! We consume plants and animals in order to not just sustain our own lives, but also to be able to bring into this world the offspring.
Get this. Humans CANNOT live without plants and animals. But plants and animals CAN live without humans. There you have it. Who's whose slave now?
That's about it. That is all I have to say for now. Remember people, we are forever in debt to the plants and animals and other wonderful creatures on this planets. Forever and ever and ever. Once we kill a plant or an animal, can we unkill it? Sadly, no. That is how the world works and it is so goddamn fucked up (saying that with wonder and amusement).
Adios mates. It's good night from me for now.