Saturday, July 20, 2013

I see more when...

Hey virtual people! How's it going? It's 3am here in the city of Bangalore, and let me tell you, the weather is cold as fuck! After a pretty long hiatus I'm back to write on my blog page.
So here I am, sitting at my laptop, on my bed; it's 3am and I can't get any sleep. Thoughts about the world fill my head as sleep eludes me, and frankly, I'm not even sure about how this post is going to turn out. I'm just writing as spontaneously as I possibly can.

So anyway, I was just thinking about things in general - like society, humans, animals, different countries, technology, and the list goes on and on. Let's pick one topic to simplify. Society, for instance. In my eyes, there are 2 different kinds of society - One, society as it is, and two, society as it should be. Of course, this might bring up the common issue of 'Who are you and what authority do you have, to tell me what society should be, you fucknut?'. It's quite simple. Everything I state here is just my opinion. It's not absolute or the gospel truth. We all have different opinions, and each opinion should be respected. I guess that's what makes society 'not boring'.

Now, having been born and brought up in India, I saw a lot of things as I grew up. A typical society of the average dude paints a picture that goes something like this - You're born, and then your parents teach you how to do certain basic tasks, and you learn how to speak and communicate with the environment around you. You look at your environment wondering what's what and slowly figure everything out as time passes you by. And before you know it, you find yourself being 'educated' in a school, and if everything works out, you go to college for some more 'education', and then you end up scouting for more 'education', and it goes on and on. Now hang on. Does it feel like I missed something important? Well I certainly feel that way. What about moral values and the big picture in our lives? Let's find out.
In the kind of society we live in right now, we see people ranging from the philanthropic type to the serial-killer type. How did that happen! The philanthropist and the serial-killer are both made of flesh-blood-and-bones, there's really no difference structurally. Say what you will, but I believe that the fact is this has happened because of the effects of society. This is what I call the 'big picture fuck up'. Generally, the big picture for a philanthropist is to help living beings on a mass basis. I'm not entirely sure if a serial-killer possesses a big picture in mind (don't get me wrong, they could have possibly the clearest of big pictures), but he or she simply wipes out people, on a mass basis.

Now, let's move on to a less extreme scenario. Let us look at the average corporate man's social life. The average corporate man/woman, whether he/she realizes it or not, has to dress a certain way, speak in a certain way, carry himself in a certain way, and basically live life in certain 'accepted' ways. When you look at society, with your eyes open, this is what you see. Or at least, this is what I see. The funny thing is, when I look at society, I see more when my eyes are closed.

I, for one, believe the key to a comfortable and stable society is the communication of moral values and understanding the big picture. I suddenly realize as I'm writing this article, all of you reading this must be going 'What the fuck is this big picture you talk about!' (laughs). The big picture is sort of vague in every sense. It is the perfect blend of a personal goal and a common goal. And now you're going 'Seriously, what the fuck dude!' (laughs again). If you have never thought of stuff like this, then you're probably too young or you simply haven't reached that stage yet.

God, I have been drifting left and right and I'm all over the place with this article. If you're thinking, 'This guy is so messed up', you could be right. But give me a break, it's 4am and I'm delirious (laughs).
So coming back to the society that the average person lives in, he/she needs to present himself/herself in certain 'accepted' ways, and if he/she doesn't do so, he/she faces the risk of being cast aside- or in social terms, losing friends. If ever you find yourself being overwhelmed by the demands of society or the pressure that society puts on you, I strongly encourage you to look at society 'with your eyes closed'. That works for me. I see the society as it should be and I find the strength to strive and do things for the betterment of the current society. I get reminded of the hazy big picture that I have in mind and remember that what I see outside may not be real. What you and I bring to the table in terms of value, that's what is real man. Close your eyes and think, and I give you my word, you will see a lot more than you would normally see with your eyes open.

I think I'm gonna call it a night now. So folks, think big picture!
And  to clarify for those of you wondering if I've consumed some kind of substance while I was writing this article, I have not (laughs).
Stay active, and keep it real folks.

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